Thursday, July 28, 2011

This Week: Something Chocolate, Something Pink

So I tried out my new heart-shaped silicone pan on Monday.  I made little morsels that ended up packing quite a chocolate punch: tooo rich for me.  And others who tried them?  Well, let's just say they stuck to the one-a-day diet...nevertheless, they slowly disappeared.

To make up for putting my friends through a chocolate overload, I decided to try again my Twilight Swirl Cookies.  This time, with fresh raspberry which were passed through a colander to remove the seeds.  I actually ended up with pink batter, but added a drop of natural food coloring to make them pop just a little more.  Made them last night and ended up with about 60 cookies.  By 5pm today I had 14 left: not bad.  They still need more work, but this time my swirls turned out much better.  It's all a work in progress isn't it...

1 comment:

La Table De Nana said...

I love the pink and white:)